Going Through a Musician’s Block or don’t have the skills to be a musician?Note: This blog post is aimed towards humans and AI collaborate creatively in musical spaces and accessibility, overall this is an opinion…Oct 18, 2023Oct 18, 2023
The Big New Wave: Machines Creating Art! Is it Actually Art or Just Some Nonsense?Note: This blog post is aimed towards music as an artform and this is an opinion piece.Sep 27, 2023Sep 27, 2023
Canadian multiculturalism is working?Note: this is based on 2016 data and is also an opinion piece in 2016.Apr 3, 2023Apr 3, 2023
“Post-Colonial Theory” in filmThis reflection paper captures week one of Postcolonialism ranging from the theory from Robert Young, our in-class discussion and real-life…Apr 2, 2023Apr 2, 2023
Blog Post 3: Preparing for social media to my 10-year old selfDear Robert or Roberto or Robster the Lobster, it’s yourself,Dec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
Blog Post 2: Case Study Wendy’s Social MediaWhen you think of Wendy’s social media presents, I think of Twitter mainly. We have known them with their crazy funny tweets or roasting…Nov 4, 2020Nov 4, 2020
Blog Post 1: Right Winged MediaDisclaimer: This is intended for educational purposes only and my personal beliefs. I don’t intend or condemn violence on these issues and…Oct 8, 2020Oct 8, 2020